I could wrap my heart up in Christmas carols this time of year. They are like a warm cup of coffee to my soul. We were singing O Come Let Us Adore Him one Sunday and my imagination began to wander. No. It began to wonder. And I stumbled into wonder.
Imagine with me. For a minute. What Christmas in heaven could entail. This is not what heaven is like. Heaven is better!!! The Word says…
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9
So go with me for a minute down the rabbit hole, if you will. And know that nothing we can imagine can even come close to the glorious reality that is…
The backdrop is breathtaking- a bit like the terrain from Lord of the Rings. A sky with strokes of brilliantly mesmerizing color spreads out as a canopy across the heavens. The vibrant hues are not flat but almost have movement and texture that drape the sky the same way a set of luxurious curtains look when they gently pool against the floor. A ring of sloping mountains reach up to the sky. The inner face of the massive formations are covered with people like moss cloaks a rock. The crowd stretches farther than the eye can see in every direction... a great sea of color and faces sloping down towards the valley in the center where there is a stage. And yet there is no fear of heights or falling. Pain has no jurisdiction here.
The hearts of the people are full of joy. So much so that is can be felt in the air almost as an audible hum. Perfectly synchronized, it’s melodious undercurrent ripples through the vast outdoor theater. Although the crowd surrounds the center stage in stadium seating like fashion on the mountains, every person has a fantastic view. With the toss of the head it’s as if each one has swooped down the mountainside at the breakneck speed of an eagle skimming just over the others to look directly at the scene below. Yet they haven’t left their seats. It’s almost as if each one’s eyes have their own zoom feature. Distance does not impede here.
The crowd is completely absorbed in the drama below. It is a reenactment of the birth of a miracle. Of the day when God stepped out of Heaven and into a body confined by time and distance and suddenly vulnerable to pain of every kind. Perfection took on limits and embraced suffering with great intentionality. Heaven stooped down to crawl in the dust of earth in pursuit of the very heart of man. All eyes are riveted on stage as they watch the ultimate love story unfold and the revelation that they were the ones being pursued vibrates through each being. Hope fills the air like water rising in a rushing tide as Mary cradles the bundle in her arms, a King in swaddling clothes, and the wise men bow down with noses to the ground before him.
Suddenly, angels fill the air, wings flapping. Everyone catches their breath at once, and wonder grips each heart. Awe. The tremble of anticipation.
JESUS steps out on the stage- a grown man as He is now. Emmanuel. God with us. The hair on his head is white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes are like blazing fire. And the praise thunders from every direction. A torrent of song bursting forth from the four corners of the heavens.
O come let us adore Him!
O come let us adore Him!
What? You recognize that song from earth. Why yes. Perhaps God allows men to hear the melody of angels and those men teach them to us without knowing they were not the first to write the melody. Or perhaps the Holy Spirit inspires unique praise from men and the Angels like it so much they add it to their heavenly anthems. They often worship with us on earth you know.
O come let us adore Him!
Christ the Lord.
Jesus. Messiah. The One who came to save. The Perfect Lamb of God. Without blemish. Redeemer. The One who takes back what was stolen. He holds up His hands. All eyes can see He was pierced for Our transgressions. He has indeed inscribed us on the palm of His hands, that we can never be forgotten. He tilts His head and although there are multitudes, it's as if He is looking each one in the eye. In a second that gaze from His flashing eyes has penetrated to the deepest core of every being and hearts swell instantly with the tangible, overwhelming presence of His love. It’s as if we can't contain it. And we can't. Out it pours from our lips like liquid praise, an offering of sweet smelling incense rising before the throne.
For He alone is worthy.
For He alone is worthy.
For He alone is worthy,
Christ the Lord.
And the multitudes fall to their knees in awe and worship all across those great mountains… and you. Feel the penetrating gaze of His love. Put down your screen and fall to your knees in worship. Let the song in your heart over run your mind and your mouth and pour forth from lips touched by His love. Embrace. Awe. This. Christmas. Because He is reaching to embrace You.
We'll give you all the glory
We'll give you all the glory
We'll give you all the glory
Christ, the Lord
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