Words. They are not all weighted equally. Some are light as a feather. Others feel like boulders. What do you say to the man who killed your child? To the one who snatched the life breath right out of her? How do you look him right in the eye and see into the window of his soul? Just the thought of it makes my words run far away. I feel my lips trembling already. Perhaps my fingers can find them… in case my lips cannot. I knew the day might come. And I still don’t know for sure if it has or not. But there is a good chance that when I wake up tomorrow it will be the day. One of the hardest in my life. Some of the most difficult words I will ever speak… if I choose to speak them. Do I try to convey the pain? Is it pointless? Does he care? Could he possibly understand? How can you even glimpse the pain of losing a child when you have never known th...
I have never wanted to be a blogger until this morning (10/23/10). For some reason I awoke feeling the need to share this journey. My four year old daughter was killed in a tragic car accident on October 8th, 2010 when our car was struck by a teen on marijuana. This blog is a small window into the brokenness of my heart and perhaps... one day, the healing. Do not mistake this for theological discourse. Jesus, not our circumstances, equals perfect theology. Be warned, this is raw...