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Showing posts from February, 2022

When 2 Turn 11 on "Twosday" 2/22/22

  A friend shared tonight about Hannah in the bible.  Hannah was a woman in the Old Testament who had a sister wife.  Yep! Did you know that was in the bible?  And there were problems.  Real sister wife problems!  The story tells us that the ā€œother wifeā€ had children, but Hannah did not.  It says her husband gave food to the other wife and their kids, but he gave Hannah a ā€œdouble portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb (1 Sam. 1:5).ā€  Soooo of course there was jealousy and mocking and unequal loveā€¦ and well, all the stuff you would imagine.   But what grabbed me is that the scripture says several times that the Lord himself closed Hannahā€™s womb.  My friend posed the question- how many times has the Lord closed a door for us on purpose, but we couldnā€™t understand it?  Think of all the agony Hannah suffered- the bible says ā€œyear after yearā€ as this went on.  She could see the pain in front of her, but ...